Monday, January 13, 2014

The Importance of Giving Back

Whether you’re a small business, or a large corporation, giving back is one of the best things you can do to distinguish yourselves from competitors, and gain loyal customers and happier employees.

According to a study by Cone Communications and Echo Research, 82 percent of U.S. consumers consider corporate social responsibility when deciding which products or services to buy and where to shop.

Another study by Ernst & Young and the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund found that 62% of small business owners say that giving back to their community has made their company more successful in the long run.

So, how can you give back? Simple.


Don’t think of it as working for free, think of it as gaining experience, meeting new people, and giving back to your community.

Donate to charity.

Whether you have more than you need financially with plenty to go around, or nothing, just give what you can. Some may give 10 percent of every paycheck, but others can donate clothing, books, supplies, toys, and more.

Host a fundraiser.

Spaghetti dinners, golf tournaments, car washes, silent auctions, live auctions, and many others are all great ways to give to a cause in a fun and exciting way that everyone can enjoy.

There are so many other ways your business can give back to the community. Bottom line is if you want to grow your business, build relationships, and have a prosperous future, then philanthropy will be your best friend.